
Connecting to your Higher Self

Do you have a clear connection with your higher self? Why is it even important? And is it easy to do?

I recently ran an online workshop with the wonderful Happiness Planner folks where we talk all things Higher Self. What it is, where it comes from, and what its not.

We look at some practical ways to help you assess how well you are currently connected, and give you some actions to take way to improve your connection in a real and tangible way.

The recording runs for a bit over an hour and can be accessed anytime via the button below:

Reading list suggestions

Feel like you can’t absorb enough spiritual knowledge fast enough?

Want some new book recommendations?

Here are my current favourite authors, and the books I suggest you start with for each of them, if you are not familiar with their books already.

Also feel free to explore other publications from the same authors if you have devoured those ones already, as all these authors books are generally good!


There is so much spiritual information online these days, that sometimes it can be hard to sift through it all!

So I thought I would share my list of favourite online guru’s with you and maybe take some of the hard work out if it for you!

Please note that this list changes constantly, and not all of them will resonate with you, but if you are looking for some new inspiration, maybe check out these YouTube/Rumble pages:

  • Anne Tucker
  • Aubrey Marcus
  • Consciousness with Pete Smith
  • Elizabeth April
  • Ismael Perez
  • Wholistic

They are a diverse bunch with very different areas of expertise and styles. No two of them are the same!

How to sage your home

Many of us want to cleanse our energetic surroundings, but don’t know how to do it.

Here is how I do it! Feel free to improvise and adjust accordingly.

Note: some like to do this after your house has been physically cleaned, but that’s up to you. Always just go with what feels right for you!

Step 1: Grab a decent sized bunch of sage from your local crystal shop, health food shop, or even farmers market

Step 2: Ensure you have something like beach sand to put the smudge out in for when you are done (we don’t want to be burning the place down!)

Step 3: Work out what clearing mantra you want to use and write it down, for example:

  • “I clear this home of any and all negative energy that is not serving my highest good. Fill it instead with the energies of <bliss, joy, peace and calm>. And so it is…” – adjust energies based on what you are trying to manifest
  • “I clear away any low vibrational or unsupportive energies from this property. Align the vibration of this property to its current inhabitants, and surround it with protective white light. And so it is…” – useful when you have just moved in
  • “I clear this property of any and all negative energy. Make this property welcoming for all prospective and future inhabitants, helping them to envisage themselves living a joyful and long life here. And so it is…” – useful when trying to sell

Step 4: Open as many doors and windows as you can (to allow the negative energy to escape)

Step 5: Now light up, waving the smudge stick in every corner of your home, like you are at a Bon Jovi concert in 1999! Or not. Either way move from one side of the property to the other, repeating your mantra (ideally out loud) throughout as you go. Don’t rush, personally I like to take about 10 seconds per room but go with what feels right to you (you may feel like you need to spend more time in some areas, in which case, do!). You also may want to keep a lighter on hand in case you need to relight after all that waving!

Step 6: Put the sage out and close the doors and windows. You are all done!

Repeat as often as you like or feel like it is required. And if something still doesn’t feel right to you, consider getting an energetic property clearing done. You can find out more about that on the below link:


How your past lives may be affecting you today

I ran another workshop recently with the wonderful souls at The Happiness Planner®, where I talk about how past life experiences affect us in this life.

If you’d like to hear more about how this works, and gain some real-life stories from people who have transformed their lives by adventuring into their past to resolve their karmic patterns, you can watch the recording any time here:

Note: the above link doesn’t seem to work so well if you are watching on a mobile phone or tablet. If it doesn’t load for you, try this link instead:

Book recommendation

The Soul – Piers Morris

A great introduction for those that are less familiar with the area, or if you are looking to deepen your knowledge further too! Piers Morris does an amazing job of clearly explaining concepts others have struggled to articulate. As a solicitor by trade, it really is an easy and digestible read.

He references many other books and movies, making it easy for you to dig deeper into the specific areas that interest you.

Published in 2020, he also talks about the current world events and how these relate to the journey our souls are undertaking.

A fascinating read, highly recommend for all souls!


How to raise your vibration

I was recently asked by the joyful folks at The Happiness Planner® to collaborate on a workshop to talk about one of my favourite topics!

In this video, we discuss how you can fast track your spiritual awakening and raise your vibration to higher and higher levels. We look at how the Akashic Records are involved and also touch on some stories from previous clients:

You can watch the recording anytime here:

Note: the above link doesn’t seem to work so well if you are watching on a mobile phone or tablet. If it doesn’t load for you, try this link instead:

Book recommendation

Between Life & Death Dolores Cannon

Dolores wrote many many books about the experiences she had throughout the many years of her enlightened work. This one is a good starting point, if you feel a bit overwhelmed with the options!

Similar to Michael Newton’s ground-breaking hypnotherapy discoveries, Dolores regressed thousands of clients and wrote about the themes she found in those sessions. A fascinating read!

On-demand TV

GaiaThe spiritual version of Netflix

Are you done with watching Hollywood/Bollywood movies and TV shows? Want something entertaining but also fascinating at the same time?

Step aside Netflix, because Gaia is my new favourite binge-worthy channel. At similar pricing ($16 AUD per month), you can access amazing movies, documentaries and shows that will expand your mind and consciousness, and be relaxing simultaneously.

You also get access to yoga and meditation videos, so you can cancel your other individual subscriptions to those, potentially saving you money too. And the best part – they have a 7 day free trial, so you can try before you buy. I can’t recommend this enough – get onto it!!

Facebook & Instagram pages

Want to stay in touch more regularly?

Follow a SoulFULLself social media page to keep on top of any special offers, as well as to receive regular soul nourishing reminders like these!

Its also a good way to connect with other like-minded individuals.

So what are you waiting for? Click on the link below, and then select ‘FOLLOW’ to get these reminders to show up in your personal Facebook feed, and help you stay in alignment!

Movie recommendation

HEAL Kelly Noonan & co

Starring Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson (amongst others), this brilliant documentary makes the link between our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions to our physical health and ability to heal ourselves.

We have so much more power over our well-being than we’ve realised. Interviewing both traditional and alternative doctors, scientists and healers, this movie is both enthralling and insightful.

Also available as a book, you can now watch this on Netflix or DVD.

YouTube video

The Power of Vulnerability Brené Brown

The TED talk that launched Brené Brown to fame, explaining everything you need to know about being vulnerable and authentic. She breaks down the walls around this topic, by sharing her personal experience, as well as her research findings.

Many thousands of people were moved by this talk, and Brené went onto write books and do many other talks around similar topics, which are equally as brilliant. But this one is a good place to start!

Book recommendation

Journey of SoulsDr Michael Newton

If you are interested in learning more about the afterlife and what happens to our souls between lives, this book will not disappoint! Almost by mistake, Dr Michael Newton hypnotised a patient so deeply that they could remember their past lives.

Over many decades following that, he refined his process and recorded thousands of sessions, where patients amazingly recount the same story about what happens to us when we are not incarnated.

Warning: this book is a life-changer.

Book recommendation

The Power of NowEckhart Tolle

Mindfulness is such a craze at the moment, and Eckhart Tolle’s bestseller is the authority on all things mindful. If you want to learn why we have to live in the present moment, and how to do it, this book is for you. It’s one of those books that you keep on your bookshelf to reread from time to time.

YouTube video

Initiation Matias De Stefano

A fascinating series that explains how the universe, the dimensions, and our souls were created, and how these continue to evolve today. Matias explains it all in a way that is easy to understand, despite it being such a complicated topic!

This YouTube video is just a 15 minute snippet of the first episode in the series. If you want to continue watching, you’ll need to download the Gaia app (which generally has a 7 day free trial, so do so when you have time to binge watch the whole series if you don’t want to subscribe).

Book recommendation

The Law of AttractionEsther & Jerry Hicks

Possibly the most well known of the Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction is expertly articulated by this book.

Many of us misunderstand this law, resulting in disappointment. This book explains how you have to expect and believe in something for it to eventuate, not just think about it once.

It also helps those struggling with the perceived selfishness of this approach, and outlines how to make this work for you. A must read if you want to understand how your thoughts create your reality.

YouTube video

Sheila Introduces TheoSheila & Marcus Gillette

If you’re feeling a bit adventurous (!) and haven’t seen the Theo Group in action before, this video is a great introduction to what they do.

After a near death experience many years ago, Sheila started to channel a group of higher beings, with messages for those wanting to understand their existence better.

Your Human self will probably giggle at some of their quirky mannerisms, but your Being self will likely be intrigued and want to know more. YouTube has many more videos or alternately see their website for more information.