How to sage your home

Many of us want to cleanse our energetic surroundings, but don’t know how to do it.

Here is how I do it! Feel free to improvise and adjust accordingly.

Note: some like to do this after your house has been physically cleaned, but that’s up to you. Always just go with what feels right for you!

Step 1: Grab a decent sized bunch of sage from your local crystal shop, health food shop, or even farmers market

Step 2: Ensure you have something like beach sand to put the smudge out in for when you are done (we don’t want to be burning the place down!)

Step 3: Work out what clearing mantra you want to use and write it down, for example:

  • “I clear this home of any and all negative energy that is not serving my highest good. Fill it instead with the energies of <bliss, joy, peace and calm>. And so it is…” – adjust energies based on what you are trying to manifest
  • “I clear away any low vibrational or unsupportive energies from this property. Align the vibration of this property to its current inhabitants, and surround it with protective white light. And so it is…” – useful when you have just moved in
  • “I clear this property of any and all negative energy. Make this property welcoming for all prospective and future inhabitants, helping them to envisage themselves living a joyful and long life here. And so it is…” – useful when trying to sell

Step 4: Open as many doors and windows as you can (to allow the negative energy to escape)

Step 5: Now light up, waving the smudge stick in every corner of your home, like you are at a Bon Jovi concert in 1999! Or not. Either way move from one side of the property to the other, repeating your mantra (ideally out loud) throughout as you go. Don’t rush, personally I like to take about 10 seconds per room but go with what feels right to you (you may feel like you need to spend more time in some areas, in which case, do!). You also may want to keep a lighter on hand in case you need to relight after all that waving!

Step 6: Put the sage out and close the doors and windows. You are all done!

Repeat as often as you like or feel like it is required. And if something still doesn’t feel right to you, consider getting an energetic property clearing done. You can find out more about that on the below link: